Many of our Presidents have had descriptive nicknames
associated with them: Washington was the
“Father of His Country”, Madison was “Father of the Constitution”, Lincoln was
“Honest Abe”, Teddy Roosevelt was “The Trust Buster”, Wilson was “The
Schoolmaster”, and Reagan was “The Great Communicator”. Other Presidents have simply been known by
their initials: Franklin Roosevelt was
“FDR”, Kennedy was “JFK”. Nothing more
was needed. Until now, however, we’ve
never had a president identified by the term “drama queen”. Granted, mention of the Trump “presidency”
will more often than not be accompanied by an asterisk, but, let’s assume for
one moment that he is the
President. The one thing that will never
be footnoted are his all-too-frequent forays onto the catwalk of crazy. He pirouettes and sashays in outrageous form,
depending on the mood d’jour: temper
tantrums, megalomania run amok, misogynistic rants... the lunacy is limitless.
One moment he’ll prattle on about “fake news” (which he
pretty much invented--see his false and shameful Obama birth certificate claims,
among other fabrications), the next he’s being called on the carpet for
doctoring a Time Magazine cover (from 2 March 2009) and posting this fraudulent
piece of self-promotion (“Trump is hitting on all cylinders... even TV” uh huh,
as if any legitimate source would have written that!) at four of his country
clubs for all to admire. Talk about
“fake news”...
If he’s not telling outright lies, then he’s
whining about any number of supposed grievances and manipulating the media.
“Obama had me bugged!” (demonstrably false). “Obama was colluding with the Russians!”
(didn’t he claim the Russians weren’t colluding with anyone, because they would
never meddle in our elections?). “My Inauguration crowd was the biggest ever!”
(Sorry Diva Don, the empty space was epic--the proof is in the photos). “Comey should be careful, there could be tapes...”
(then watch him drag this out as long as possible--much like his claim that he might
one day release his taxes). “Let me turn
the announcement of my Supreme Court nominee into a three ring circus, or a cheesy
game show”--(playing coy, trying to hide his identity, scheduling the
announcement as though it were some great unveiling. It was embarrassing, as well as disgraceful.
Last, but certainly not least, Donald the Drama Queen
surfaces most consistently on his Twitter feed.
Trump cannot tolerate criticism in any form, nor can he stand it when he's not the center of attention. He's unable to play well with others... but as a paranoid narcissist,
how could he? While portraying himself as a much maligned victim, he has verbally assaulted countless individuals, news sources, and
organizations in the course of these late night Twitter rants. One assumes these have been collected for
posterity--a testament to the Trump years.
In the meantime, let’s let the “leader” of the Free World
speak for himself, as he did so eloquently on 6/29/17. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezezinski,
co-hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, have incurred Trump’s wrath by failing to
praise him in the sycophantic style of his cabinet. He tweeted:
heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch
anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..
Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me.
She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!
Rage on, drama queen, rage on...
but please make America great again--by resigning.
NOTE: Despite almost universal condemnation from both parties, Trump doubled down and continued running his mouth on Twitter--repeating and expanding his comments about Scarborough and Brezezinski. He continues to embarrass himself, the presidential office, and America.
NOTE: Despite almost universal condemnation from both parties, Trump doubled down and continued running his mouth on Twitter--repeating and expanding his comments about Scarborough and Brezezinski. He continues to embarrass himself, the presidential office, and America.